Free Small Group Resource
LYFE is a comprehensive small group resource we’re offering free to ministries. LYFE will help small groups discover a deeper life with God. Based around six key spiritual formation themes including prayer, social justice and the Bible, the sessions are easy to lead and highly relational. LYFE is suitable for Christians at any point on their faith journey.
LYFE is designed to be flexible – groups can choose a six week taster track, a three month track or the full 36 week track. Each session includes a different video interview and invites reflection on a passage from the Bible, plus the opportunity to experience a spiritual practice.
Completed an Alpha Course or Christianity Explored course and wondering what to do next? LYFE is perfect for all small groups, from home groups and Bible study groups to those that meet in pubs or cafés.
Use the tabs below to find out more about each stream
You can also check out three sample sessions – just click on the links in the tabbed sections.
Easy as one, two or three
Alongside our easy navigation that helps group leaders run sessions and find new ones, we'll be offering three suggested routes based on different time frames to suit your group.
Six week taster
In six weeks you can focus on each of the ‘Introduction Sessions’ to each of the six LYFE themes. This gives you an overview and provides an ideal way to explore LYFE for the first time. Once you have completed your first six weeks, feel free to explore one of the themes (Still lyfe, for instance) in more depth.
Three month option
This is an ideal option if you would like to explore LYFE over a single term. Here we offer a structured 12 session selection that takes you through the ‘Introduction Session’, plus one other – from each of the six LYFE themes. To continue with LYFE after the 12 sessions, use the One Year Option and pick up the other sessions in whichever order you like.
One year option
In this option, we present you with all 36 LYFE sessions to work through in your own preferred way. You could pick up the six ‘Introduction Sessions’ and then work through one theme in more depth afterwards. Or you could pick up one theme at a time (e.g. Still LYFE). Alternatively you can randomly pick sessions as they appeal to your group.
To access the LYFE materials, simply fill in the form below. This is free and simple to do.