Have an impact on generations to come
Asking for Bequests is very important for us. By leaving a bequest to Bible Society, you will join many others before you to ensure more lives will continue to be transformed by the message of the Bible – that’s because your gift will be used to support our shared mission of helping make the Bible accessible to everyone and encouraging interaction with it.
Committing a legacy to supporting Bible Mission after you’re gone, for future generations, is such an important way of support.
Making a bequest can be approachable to more people when the legacy isn’t necessarily for a large amount and is palatable to other beneficiaries of your will. If you are able to consider this form of commitment, then please talk to our bequest team for any information that you may need. You can contact them on 0800 424 253 or email us on bibles@biblesociety.org.nz
Did you know? You can leave these types of gifts in your will.
- a cash gift
- shares
- investments
- property
- nominating Bible Society New Zealand as a beneficiary in your life insurance
Watch this video to learn more about Bequesting to Bible Society
For more information, View our Bequest booklet below
How to leave a gift in your will
By making a Will you can specify how you wish your estate to be distributed to your loved ones and to the causes that are important to you, like Bible Society.
- Ask us for more information about how a gift in your Will may benefit the mission. Please contact us on 0800 424 253 ext 848, email us on bibles@biblesociety.org.nz or fill in the form below.
- Arrange to see your legal advisor about making a Will or changing your existing Will to include Bible Society New Zealand. Your advisor can help you decide what type of bequest you want to leave. Bible Society’s legal name is: The Bible Society in New Zealand (Inc). Charities Registration number: CC22121
- Bequests can be for any amount. Some consider smaller bequests (say 5% of the value of your estate) as an option that sits most comfortably with other beneficiaries of your Will.
- Let us know your intentions. We understand the details of your Will are private, but we’d love to have the opportunity to say thank you and perhaps acknowledge your support in a way that’s acceptable to you. If you’d like your gift to remain anonymous, your request, of course, will be honoured.
Neville's lasting legacy
Neville Taylor loved the Bible. He made it his life’s work to ensure the Mbai people in Chad could read the Bible in their own language. His passion for the Bible was so strong he wanted to continue the legacy of Bible work after his death by making a gift to Bible Society in his Will.
His gift will have an impact not just on this generation but for several to come.
Bible Engagement
How people read, interact, meditate, apply and respond to Scripture.
Bible Literacy
How people understand and interpret Scripture.
Bible Poverty
Availability, affordability and accessibility of Scripture in the language of the reader.