Welcome to Lyfe
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Below are three suggested ways of starting Lyfe using different time frames. The six-week stream is ideal for groups new to Lyfe. The three-month stream works well over a single term. The one-year stream allows you to explore all the small group sessions and create your own structured way of experiencing Lyfe.
You can also access these streams using the LYFE navigation menu above and you can also access all the Lyfe videos on our YouTube playlist here.
6 Week Stream
Over six weeks you will follow the Introductions sessions to each of the six Lyfe areas covering themes on prayer, living authentically, the Holy Spirit and more. This gives you an overview of Lyfe and is an ideal way to explore Lyfe for the first time. Once you have completed your first six weeks, feel free to explore one of the areas (Still Lyfe, for instance) in more depth.
3 Month Stream
This is an ideal option if you would like to explore Lyfe over a single term. Here we offer a structured 12 session selection that takes you through the Introduction session, plus one other – from each of the six Lyfe areas. To continue with Lyfe after the 12 sessions, use the One Year Option and pick up the other sessions in whichever order you like.
In this option, we present you with all the available lyfe sessions to work through in your own preferred way. You could pick up the six Introduction sessions and then work through one area in more depth afterwards. Or you could pick up one area at a time (e.g. Still lyfe). Alternatively you can randomly pick sessions as they appeal to your group.
Still Lyfe
The Still Lyfe stream constantly brings us back to what is most important – love. Love for God and love from God. This is the foundation of our faith. This stream stresses the value of prayer, silence, solitude, observation, listening and slowing down to help us to recognise God’s presence in our daily lives.
Real Lyfe
Being a Christian is not a matter of private, internal belief - our identity, our relationships, the way we spend our money and time, the language we use and the choices we make, all are changed as we live life with Christ. The Real Lyfe stream explores the way our faith transforms every part of life.
Spirit Lyfe
The Spirit Lyfe zone focuses on the power of God’s Spirit moving in and through us. We want to live a life immersed in, empowered by, and under the direction of God. Just as a car requires fuel to run, and our bodies require food for survival, so our souls rely upon the Spirit of God.
Just Lyfe
We live in a competitive, consumerist world, where what we have seems to matter more than who we are, where social networking replaces face-to-face relationships and where few of us even meet our neighbours – let alone know them. The Just Lyfe stream explores themes of justice, compassion and peace in all arenas of life, from personal to social to global.
Word Lyfe
The Word Lyfe stream focuses on three areas – being immersed in the word of God, sharing faith and getting to know Jesus better. God’s great message to humanity is that all can be redeemed and restored to its intended design. This is the message embodied in Jesus himself, rooted in the word of God, and ultimately expressed through the lives of those who follow Christ.
Whole Lyfe
The Whole Lyfe stream is about making the invisible presence of God visible in everyday life. God manifests himself in his creation, even in the midst of mundane activities, whenever and whenever we invite him. Jesus became human and entered our world. In family, work and society we learn to live our life as Jesus would live our life in our place.