The videos below have been used, and could be used, as part of scripture assemblies in schools, kids programs or online churches. The hope is that kids of all ages will discover or rediscover the simple and life changing message of Jesus in a contemporary way. Download them TodaY!

Mark 10:1-12

Mark 10:13-16

Mark 10:17-27

Mark 10:28-34

Mark 10:35-45

Mark 10:46-52

Mark 14:32-38​

Mark 14:39-44

Mark 14:45-52

Mark 15:22-32

Mark 15:32-39

Mark 16:1-7

Mark 16:8-20

1.5 Billion people do not have access to the Bible in their own language – and for others, it is a sad reality that the Word of God is simply out of reach for them, either due to costs or simply because it is just not available. YOU can make a difference…

1.5 Billion people do not have access to the Bible in their own language – and for others, it is a sad reality that the Word of God is simply out of reach for them, either due to costs or simply because it is just not available. YOU can make a difference…