Words of Wisdom for Gulf States students

The Bible Society in the Gulf is providing biblical guidance for students through its newest publication.

Wisdom from the Bible for Students targets senior high school students and those in the first year of university, as they transition from the shelter of home to a more independent environment. It points them to God to whom they are ultimately responsible and to help them make wise decisions and choices based on principles outlined in Scripture.

The booklet, printed in English, emphasizes the truth of God’s Word as the basis to view oneself, others and the world they interact with. It encourages students to put God first and to adopt biblical principles as the standard to withstand the assault of post-modern values that they are exposed to through technology and culture.

“If our students are well-grounded in God’s Word, they will have the moral courage to face the challenges and situations they will encounter with God’s help.”
Hrayr Jebejian, General Secretary of the Bible Society in Gulf States

5,000 copies have been printed in English for distribution in churches in the Gulf. The demand for this book has been so great that the Bible Society will have to print thousands more very soon.

Most of the books have been ordered by pastors, Sunday school teachers, parents, and students, with many going through churches in Kuwait and the UAE cities of Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, and Dubai. Feedback from teachers, Sunday School teachers, and students who have read the book has been extremely positive.

“After reading the booklet, it made me love and value the Bible even more, seeing how everything could be drawn from this well which quenches your thirst and satiates your hunger.”
UAE student

One church leader commented, “I would like to give this to all my class students. Normally young people these days prefer to watch videos to reading books. The style of writing in this booklet draws the reader to read more. It stretches one’s imagination and challenges them to think for themselves and to consider what the Bible says.”

Story from the Bible Society in the Gulf States.

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Inspired by the Great Commission, The United Bible Societies has the ambitious vision to complete 1,200 Bible Translations by 2038 which will make the Word of God accessible to 600 million People.